3 Tips for Installing Door Sweeps on Any Door in Your House

Even when your doors are closed, dirt, dust, drafts, and insects can enter your home. Doors and doorframes have cracks, seen and unseen. The base is the biggest point of entry. Few household doors can be hermetically sealed, but they can all be rigged to resist intrusion. Installing a door sweep is the swiftest and surest way to block out the great outdoors. Here are three tips for installing door sweeps on any door in your house.

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Will Masking Tape Ruin the Finish on Wood Doors?

When painting a space, you know you need to protect fixtures like wood doors, baseboards, and floors from damage and smears by laying down protective tape. First-time painters, however, may not know exactly which tape to use. It’s an important distinction. Many folks confuse similar-appearing tapes with one another, which can lead to messy paint jobs, extra cleaning, or worst of all, a damaged wood finish. Here are a few thoughts on whether masking tape will ruin the finish on wood doors if you use it instead of the correct protective tape. We’ll tell you how it can and how to avoid it.

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