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Shaker Doors: Elegant Simplicity

A popular style to convey simplicity and rustic design is the Shaker Door. Designed for use by Americans and Canadians living on the prairie where materials were scarce and expensive, these doors employ the minimalist design where form follows function. They were designed for entryway openings, nothing more.

Wood Panel Inserts Availability

While Shaker Doors are simple, they do have wood panel inserts, but without trim and are very plain. Windows can be added to allow light into the entry foyer, a common function where sidelights are not available. The lines are straight and angular, without arches and other trim designs. They offer a simple yet solid feel to the front entryway to a home.

Letting the Sunshine into the House

Windows for the door utilize flat, clear, double paned, dual glazed glass. Decorative Art Glass is insulated and triple glazed.

Solid Wood Door

The high end Shaker Doors use solid Brazilian mahogany wood. This wood is excellent for resistance to cracking and weather damage. The factory pre-finish options have a wide range of stains to enhance the tight wood grain pattern. The vertical lines in this grain pattern enhance the minimalist line effect desired in this type of door.

Interior Shaker doors are available in double and triple panel doors in oak. The mahogany has the five and more panels for a elegant design. The panels do not have trim and are inserted into grooves in the door.

Historic yet Simple

The Shaker Doors with flat panels and square dentils create the aura of a bygone era of simple times where functionality was most important. The quiet designs offer an image of hard working people being welcomed to a home where the owners value simplicity as part of their lifestyle.


We Make Custom Entry Doors and Glass Very Reasonable Pricing too! Call us for a quote 1-219-663-2279

Chicagoland Wood Doors Showroom is Open in Crown Point, Indiana - Dealers Welcome

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Nick's Building Supply, Inc.
11100 Broadway Crown Point, IN 46307
● Phone: 219-663-2279
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