Choosing The Right Wood Doors

Doors are more than physical barriers against the outer world. They are statements and symbols. Architects spend time and put effort into designing them. They have been around for centuries. Technology has changed over time making them often more durable. It has also produced them in different materials. Yet, like their ancestors, many people still prefer wood doors.

Types of Wood Doors

If you plan on selecting a wood door, it is important you are aware of the two basic types. These are:

  • Hollow Core Doors: These doors tend to be light. This is because they essentially are two layers of wood on the exterior of a frame with nothing but air between them. When you knock on a hollow core wood door, there is almost an echo. These are commonly used as interior doors. They are mass produced and are less expensive than solid wood, fiberglass and metal doors. These doors also tend to be useless for security.
  • Solid Wood Doors: You can use a solid wood door for both inside and outside a residence or business. Compared to hollow core doors, they are heavier and sturdier. They also provide greater security. Solid wood doors come in seemingly endless variations. They will cost more, particularly if you order them customized

Questions to Ask

Before you decide on a door, you need to ask yourself a few questions. Consider the following as a brief guideline.

  • Is a wood door the right option?
  • Where do you plan to place it?
  • Are there any special requirements for the door’s function – security, special glass?
  • Do the bylaws or building codes require specific health and safety measures in your region?
  • Does size matter? Do you need a standard or non-standard size? The latter may be required if anyone in the home or visiting the business has accessibility issues
  • What kind of environment is the door required for. If it is external, it will necessitate a different type than if it is an interior door.
  • What kind of style are you hoping for – Mansion style prestige, craftsman oriented or something else?

Once these questions are answered you should have a basic idea of the type of door you require and be able to combine this knowledge with what you want in terms of style. The next issue is to see if your dream wood doors fall within the scope of your budget. If they do, talk to an expert in the business and proceed with your plans to provide your world with the ideal door.

When it comes to Wood Doors, you can do no better than to get in touch with the skilled staff at Nick’s Building Supply. For 35 years we have worked hard to establish a sterling reputation in the business. We have only one product – wood doors. We also have one goal – to match the right door with our clients.